IT Projects
Vehicle assessment and repair software
Overall architecture of the software system with 80 autonomous components / services and customer-specific software packages resulting from the components

Project size approx. 2500 person-months and 100 internal and external developers

Project Management
Software Engineering
Relational Database Systems
Advanced database technology
Analysis and Design of Enterprise Systems: an Object-Oriented Approach
Software Development for Networked Applications using Java
User Interface Design and Evaluation

I come from the Soviet Union in my earlys to Germany. I spend my youth to play chess until I start with the IT and my mission.

German (native language)
English (fluently)
Russian (native language)

I was a great talent in German youth chess in the 1990s.
1994: 5th at the World Cup for U12 in Hungary, I finished fifth (with a win in the final round, first place would have been possible).
1995: 7th in Brazil at the U14 World Cup.
1996: At the age of 14 I was runner-up in the German U20 championship.
1996: 4th in Spain at the World Cup for under 14-year-olds, behind today’s world-class players Gabriel Sarkissjan, Lewon Aronjan, Francisco Vallejo Pons, ahead of Étienne Bacrot.
1998: 6th behind Sjarhej Asarau at the U16 World Youth Championships in Oropesa del Mar (Spain).
1999: played in Hamburg against Péter Lékó

I have the title of grand master since 2003, GMI Grand Master International

I am a real estate investor with my wife since 2007 in the region of Stuttgart in Germany, where the Porsche, Daimler… companies are.
I am also the owner of many companies, German companies, European companies…

International Chess Grand Master
Software Architecture Expert of the Year 2019